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24 mi


4.03 mi / hr

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About 25 miles all in, I think. Where do I start? On the river front at Ely - the teenagers thought it was summer, stripped to the waist; and at Houghton Mill, the crowds were out. Nice guy about 60 with a beard asked us about the DW in a sounding impressed sort of way. Our first fan. Long, long slog. Most amazing sight - mid Fen, round a corner, a vast and bright orange tangerine moon loomed on the horizon - a Chinese lantern, a satsuma. Great views of kingfishers, flash of orange breast as well as the electric blue. And a seal popping its head up at ?Bluntisham before Earith. The total time was v v slow. Started to get cold at a couple of stops before the end.

Main points for me. Water bottle worked ok. Main point is food - food, food, food. Gels and flapjacks, fine, but you also need to real actual food. For goodness sake, keep eating. Not too bad for blisters etc - but will need lots of plasters and tape.
