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23.6 mi


2.99 mi / hr

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<No name>


That's Lyth! Walking w S. Enjoyed it (on balance!) - successful long day out and we sustained a good pace. Day started unpromisingly w J coming in at 5:45am to say he felt sick, and then trouble funding open car parks in Kendal!

Horrendous weather on Whitbarrow, which goes on forever - horizontal rain, gale force winds, cold hands, wet feet.

However, weather cheered up later on for Lyth valley crossing and Scout Scar. Excellent food stops in the village halls, with twix and quiche supplied by the retired people of south Cumbria.

Three big climbs (>200m): the first one out of Kendal; Whitbarrow; Scout Scar = about 950m climbing in total.

Most people are runners (about 2/3rds?), and lots walk / run it. 300 in total. Paul Tynan 3:52, Mark Parsonage-Keir 4-something, Cath Mossop 6:30, Georgie Introna stopped at that church beyond Levens.
