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6:34 AM

5.4 mi


6:45 mi


41 F
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Havre de Grace HS Track

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41 deg with very light rain. Real feel was about 36 deg.

Workout: 3 miles warm-up, 5x1k at sub 5:05 with 400m slow jog, 4x200m FAST with 200m jog, 1 mile cooldown

Going into the workout my thoughts was that this was going to be a very tough session. But then I said to myself that I only had to run 75 second laps for two laps and then a 38 second 200, which in my mind I knew would be doable.

The 1k intervals ended up really well. I ran 3:06, 3:08, 3:06, 3:06, and 3:06. For most of the splits, I would go through the 400 in 72/73 and the 800 in 2:28/29. In the 2nd 1K, I was too relaxed in the first lap and came through in 75, that's likely why I was a couple seconds slower than the rest of the intervals. Overall, I was really happy with the 1k reps. It felt a little tough, but I definitely could have knocked out a 2-3 reps.

On the 200m repeats, I thought that I'd run somewhere around 31-32, but to my surprise I ran all four reps in 30s. It felt fast, but not out of control. In fact, I felt like I was running with really good form. This is probably my first 200m session that I ran all in 30s.

This was probably one of my better track sessions, in terms of the 1k intervals and 200 reps. I didn't think that I'd have this type of speed at the age of 39 and this early in the Boston training cycle.
