Run: Fartlek Previous Next


6:32 AM

8 mi


6:23 mi


36 F
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Havre de Grace Downtown

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36 deg, and rainy.

Workout: 3 miles warmup, 8x.15 miles fast at sub 5:00, .35 miles moderate at 6:15ish, 2 miles cooldown.

I actually thought about pushing the workout to lunch time when it wouldn't be miserable. But after about a couple miles, the body adapted to the conditions and I decided to knock out the workout.

Going into the workout I knew that running sub 5:00 pace for the fast portion wouldn't be a problem. It would be the moderate recovery at 6:15ish that would feel a little tough. The first one fast/moderate felt good and no problem, as expected. But after the 2nd fast segment, the moderate recovery started to feel a bit tough. Part of it was because the recovery was on a slight gradual hill. It turned out that I ran 6:22 pace for the 2nd and 3rd recoveries. About halfway through the workout I started to feel better and I could tell that I was running 6:15ish or a bit faster for the recovery. I ended up recovering better in the 2nd half of the workout and ran sub 5:00 and sub 6:15ish.

Ran the 4 mile fartlek in 23:15, 5:49 fast while averaging 4:58 for the fast and 6:10 for the moderate recovery. This turned out to be a very good workout. I even still felt very good after the workout and ran the 2 mile cooldown comfortably at sub 7:00 pace.
