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6:22 AM

4.6 mi


5:43 mi


52 F
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Wow, it was 52 degrees. Shorts and short sleeve running weather.

Workout: 3 miles warmup, 2 miles at 5:15, 1/2 mile jog, 2 miles at 5:05, 2 miles cooldown.

Man, this was a tough workout. The first two miles actually didn't feel too bad. I clicked off 78s laps and split 5:13 and 5:12 (10:26). The last couple laps of the 2nd mile started to feel tough, but I made sure to run strong. On the 1/2 mile jog I took it very slow to take advantage of the recovery.

The second 2 miles was very tough. I came through the mile in 5:03 and was hurting pretty good. Mentally, I was defeated because I doubted myself that I could run another mile at 5:05. After the mile, I decided to stop and take a very short rest before proceeding with the 2nd mile. The 2nd mile still felt tough, but I toughed it out with a 5:07.

I was kind of disappointed that I took a short break, but at the same I still got in some hard work! Glad I'm done with this workout. Now I just have to get ready for Saturday.
