Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:38 AM

10.5 mi


6:35 mi


66 F
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El Paso


2M warm-up with strides, 2x3M Tempo w/ 1/4mile slow rec, 2M cool-down

Started the run already thinking it was going to be a tough workout because my legs were feeling a bit sluggish. After the warm-up with some strides, I decided to give the workout a go and see how the first 3M tempo would end up.

I went through the 1st mile in 5:53. The pace/effort felt much faster than 5:53 and I was already thinking of calling it quits. The 2nd mile was another 5:53 and into a 6mph wind. I felt much better on the 3rd mile, which I came across in 5:47. I finished the 1st 3M tempo in 17:34 (5:53, 5:53, 5:47).

I guess my legs and body was just starting to get warmed up because on the 2nd 3M tempo I went through the 1st mile in 5:44 feeling like I put in the same effort. The 2nd mile was practically the same split. In the last mile I pushed the pace in the last 1/4mile and finished in 5:37. The 2nd tempo was 17:04 (5:44, 5:43, 5:37).

The altitude definitely made the tempo tougher than I thought it'd be. If I ran this workout back home, I think I should be able to run the tempo in low-17s and sub-17.
