Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:11 AM

11.2 mi


6:37 mi

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Planned workout: 2M warm-up, 3miles at 5:45ish, 2miles at sub-5:30, 1mile at sub-5:20, 2M cool-down.

Ran the workout on APG post in the early morning because I had to handover staff duty at 0700. Ran the tempo on the 1-mile APFT loop. The 3mile tempo (17:03) felt very comfortable. For the 2mile tempo, I had no problems dropping sub-5:30 pace. However, I had to work on the 2nd mile to ensure the pace wasn't slowing. Came through in 10:50. The last mile felt fast. At the half-mile I was avging 5:12 pace. Dug a little in the last 1/4 mile and finished strong in 5:09. Didn't feel like I red-lined.

Very happy with the workout. Going into the workout, I was unsure whether I would be able to hit sub-5:30 for the 2mile and a sub-5:20 for the last mile. After feeling very comfortable in the 3mile tempo, I knew that I'd nail the entire workout.
