Run: Long Previous Next


14.1 mi


6:58 mi


This was a struggle, tired (ish) legs + solo long run = not too enjoyable. Did 2 out and backs. Told myself I could run whatever pace I wanted to today and it seems I locked into ~7:00 pace. Lakefront path was extra crowded today, saw Austin Kuehr and Brian Griffin walking! Didn't eat nearly enough for this kind of effort so the first 6 or 7 miles felt manageable and then I started really suffering. Kicked in the last mile. About to go eat WINGS.

6:46, 6:55, 6:58, 6:56, 7:10, 7:08, 7:06, 6:53, 7:00, 7:02, 7:05, 6:53, 6:54, 6:39


Julia Schultz

you are F-I-T !!!!!


woah great run!!!! and that's like seeing a rare pokemon.