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5 km


6:37 mi

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I think this is the hottest race conditions I've ever experienced. It was 95 degrees for the meet and so they moved our race time from 4:30 to 5 and shortened it to a 5k but it was still brutal. I ran 20:33 (6:37 pace) and came in 37th. The race officials didn't do anything like a everyone on your marks get set go they just shot off the gun so super hectic start. Ran a 6:20 first mile and was still feeling pretty smooth but the second lap was a little more rough mostly because I got this big cramp in my side...this can't keep happening to me. And it just got tighter and tighter until it was getting a little hard to breathe. So I took it down a notch in the last k and I bet like 7-10 girls passed me unfortunately but given the race conditions and the way I was feeling I decided I'd rather finish the race and to not test overworking myself in the heat. The good thing was that all the girls understood how hot and crazy the race was and no one was upset about their race, I got a lot of sarcastic remarks when I asked all the girls how their race went. Still sucks though since Augie's course is so great so looking forward to coming back next year. Hip felt sore after and no cool down for me

My parents came to watch and brought cold towels, gatorade, and water. Very lucky to have such supportive parents.

Drove to Peoria and got dinner with RIchard's car. Played some great rounds of hot seat on the way home and I think I definitely got to know my car better.

Positives: Not a bad race given the heat, went out a little more conservatively this time, the women had a good attitude about today, a lot of women had their first race with the club

Negatives: Let too many people pass me in the last k or two, cramped up, didn't kick

Really hoping Parkside is better for me, wondering what I can do in the next two weeks to make it better



I think that is a pretty good first mile pace for you. I'm very confident you can do that for 6k on a better day. These next two weeks just need to be a continuation of the last few; your workouts have been very, very good recently. Also: that start was bogus af.


I think you're in a really good place (mentally and physically), especially if you're willing to look at the pros of this race despite the heat. Parkside is gonna be a heck of a race for everyone after this, so lots to look forward to :) <33333



Leonel Rodriguez

Peoria is so cool.

Looks like you handled the less-than-perfect conditions pretty well. Parkside hype for when it's not hot