Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 mi


7:19 mi

  • Map

5 mile loop


A quote from Emily while we ran today "I would slow down the pace of this run but we can't because then you'll be late for work"

Went to Lincoln Park Zoo today with camp. It was 91 degrees. But pretty fun day saw some cool lions and tigers and bears oh my. But heat plus kids plus a school bus with no air conditioning plus some kids not getting popsicles from the zoo equals some unhappy campers. I had to take some girls to the bathroom before we headed back to EG and had them jog with me back to the meeting spot since we were going to be late otherwise. This bratty out of shape girl named Morgan yelled at me the whole time we ran. Fun day.

Excited to be going down to Champaign this weekend!


Sara Folliard

Lolz your temp was double mine today. Bratty kids are the worst :<