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5:00 AM

6.2 mi


Morning run with Leonel. Tired legs. This weekend plus two days up in Wisconsin at Devil's Lake was so nice. Haven't had such an extended amount of time to relax this entire summer. Might go to Champaign this Saturday/Sunday. This week's mileage might be a little sad due to no running Monday/Tuesday. Planning to do the fartlek workout Friday since this last weekend had a lot of tempo pace and I only have 5 days to run this week.

10 min of women's core after


Emma B

GLR was relaxing?? lol

Anneliese Schulz

Lol GLR and Devil's Lake was the first time this entire summer I've had 5 days back to back to do whatever I want! Definitely made me feel relaxed like a vacation


you've been on ur core game, go u


Weekly mileage only means anything in so much as it is an easy way to for humans to keep track of volume over time. Subtract 10 from 45 and its noticeable, but subtract it from 2,500 (1 year), and it doesn't mean a damn thing. Problem is, for some, that one can use that logic to laze out of things.