Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 AM

6.1 mi


7:43 mi

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Easy morning run with Emily and Leonel. We almost got rained on but by halfway through it was clear skies and gross and humid instead. We even did strides after. 8 more work days, I can’t wait to stop wearing business casual. 11 more days until the GRE.


Leonel Rodriguez

If you want we can still run at 5am in Urbana. I know how much you'll miss waking up early.


Oh man only a little while longer and the running shorts/ baggie T-shirt lifestyle is all yours 😍 also I’m praying the GRE goes exceptionally well!!!

Anneliese Schulz

@riley amirite

@leonel for those days we’re doubling FOR SURE. But you still have to come meet at my house