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5 km


6:07 mi

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Seeded 14th and came in 14th but not the time I was hoping for at all. In hindsight I am not invincible and didn't take the best care of myself the week before and night before the race. (i slept very little). Although I felt pretty good in the morning/on the warm up. Seeded 14th put me all the way out in the second waterfall on the edge so I should have sprinted out and cut in front and then settled somewhere like I usually do. I did this at Nats last year. But instead I decided to change my usual race strategy and hang back and then catch up to people because I didn't want to go out too fast and die given my lack of sleep of the night before= I wouldn't have enough energy to hang there for long. So the race starts and immediately everyone surges and sprints forward, so much that there is this big ugly mob of a pack for the first 2 laps and as the gun went off I got stuck behind this big ugly mob of like 15 girls and in front of the rest of the girls. It was so ugly that I think I would have had to cut out to lane 3 to pass people. I wish more than anything that I would have been gutsy and ran out with the top girls and hung with them and made myself hurt because instead I was stuck behind this pack and then the pack started separating into the top scoring girls, the chase pack, and then me who fell off the pack and ran 6/12 laps by myself. Emily Foley was shouting my splits to me each lap and it was one of those races where I just couldn't get my legs to go any faster. It doesn't feel like a race when you're running alone and during the race I was upset with myself for letting myself get in that position. I haven't been this disappointed in a race in a long time, mainly because last year I finished in 13th and 14 seconds faster and I was hoping for a chance at scoring. And I also thought I was in 5k PRing shape but this was just not a smart race. I realized with about 2 laps to go that I was on pace to run a 19:00 5k and that made me freak out a little and close a little faster than ohhh say 1:33.

Splits: 42.8, 1:28.7, 1:28.6, 1:27.2, 1:29.9, 1:31.8, 1:33.8, 1:33.3, 1:33.4, 1:34.4, 1:33.9, 1:33.4, 1:26.8

Hoping for a much better 5k at Peaks



Great effort, Anneliese. Your work ethic guarantees a solid 5k