Run: Easy Previous Next


5:03 AM

8.5 mi


7:35 mi


Early morning run with Emily. This included a little "workout" in the middle because apparently this is Wash U's first week of workouts. We did 4 x 2 min on 1 min off on this loop where we used to do workouts in high school. Idk how fast or well it went because my watch was still dead. Felt ok during it though. Dropped Emily off and added on 19 more minutes. This may or may not be my long run since the weather this weekend is looking so bad



this weekend is gonna be RUFF

Anneliese Schulz

Would have just gone for 10 and made it my actual long run if I had more time in the morning! This upcoming week of weather looks a little RUFF

Leonel Rodriguez

oh wow early and longish run before work.