Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 AM

6 mi


7:32 mi


Easy run with Leonel and Emily. Yesterday my right Achilles started hurting a bit, totally situational though, my flats I wear for work are on their last legs and were rubbing against my heel/Achilles all day/on my 4 mile walk. So I’ll be avoiding them/actually getting new shoes very soon. I left the hospital yesterday at 5:09 and my train was at 5:46 so i was doing the speediest speed walk ever and I’m sure that didn’t help either. Very annoying though, never had any pain in my Achilles before. I want it to go away ASAP since it’s not making walking very comfortable. As long as it doesn’t impact my running and goes away soon we’ll be good.

STRIDES and 10 min of women’s core

Going to Heintz’s house today with Sonja for pizza and catching up and talking about her marathon. Should be nice.


Emma B

is it just like skin irritation from your shoes rubbing or is it actual pain in the tendon? if it's any tendon pain, roll the shit out of your calves!!! also dont walk 4 miles in flats R U NUTS

Anneliese Schulz

I knew walking in my work shoes might come to bite me one day. Like tendon pain on the outside but not super painful at all. Gonna wear better shoes for walking and see how it goes these next few days

Anneliese Schulz

I guess my calves have felt a little sore but I figure it's from the 32-46 miles jump I did last week

Emma B

achilles pain is caused by calf tightness. tightness prob came from the mileage jump then irritated achilles with the walking. rollllll (but not right on the achilles)

Anneliese Schulz

tru tru, I'll roll


Ice them. Like whenever u are sitting doing nothing, put some ice on it. Saved my season. Do the heel drops before running too. But honestly icing is KEYYYY

Emma B

^oh yeah once it's not irritated anymore do lots of heal drops too