Run: Easy Previous Next


12:30 PM

5 mi


8:00 mi


Easy run with Jessie today. Legs didn't feel as heavy as I thought they would and I made sure to keep this nice and easy as to not bother my hips. This coming summer I'm considering working or at least volunteering for NWSRA which is a summer camp for kids with special needs. It would be good experience for my future career. Lucky for me Jessie has worked for this camp before so she gave me some pointers. Also nice to get this out of the way earlier but then I went to my SOAR orientation all sweaty and chilled and then I started falling asleep during the presentation. Forgot to do leg strength and also no time to as I had to get to the SOAR orientation



is SOAR the reading to students one? And that summer camp sounds awesome, that's great of you to volunteer there.