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1 mi


5:37 mi

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Armory track


Mile at Club Relays!

This race felt really crowded and kinda messy, all the women had like 5:30-5:40 seed times so there were a few times I was boxed in a little. But I'll definitely take a PR after doubling with the 3k. If I could change something about this race it would be to have worked with Lexy but it was just way too crowded at the start. There was definitely a point where a lot of people passed me and I should have tried to go with them or make the middle of the race hurt a little more. But I did try and put in some surges here and there for fear of getting stuck behind someone that was dying and running too slow. I think I out kicked a girl or 2 in the last stretch so that's always cool. Shout out to Emily Foley you looked strong and fighting up in the top pack



YOU LOOKED SO SMOOTH AND STRONG i am so proud of how you've been doing recently. Not to mention you did a 16 mile long run after all of this <3333333333

Cody Lund

To PR after the 3K is awesome, congrats

Emily Foley

You're killing it, proud of you <3


Yahhhhhh go Anneliese