Event: Strength Previous Next


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Ok hi I'm back from rolling around Salzburg and Munich drinking beer and eating pastries. Now that midterms + spring break are over I've made a strength plan to try and really address my knee/IT band/hip weakness/problem and then slowly get back into running (hopefully).

Straw and I jogged over to the UIC gym and felt like garbage from out lack of working out

30 x push ups

10 min core

2 x 10 x squat 55 lbs

2 x 5 x assisted pull up

Followed by good foam rolling

Mobility- 2 x 10 x clam shell, leg raises, bridges (right and left leg)


Lexy Rudofski

Hi if you want feel free to text me for some better hip exercises and parameters!


don’t listen to Lexy. AMRAP deadlift w/ 315 and AMRAP front squat with 225 until you get to 10 reps, then add a plate to each side. done. sorry to hear you’re still hurting tho

Anneliese Schulz

Thanks Richard, I think I'll have to work up to the weight but I'll be sure to let you know when I get it. Any and all advice is welcome. I think it is IT band related.