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6 km


6:26 mi

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I'm decently happy with this race. Went out in like 4th or 5th/5th or 6th with Julia. Julia and I stayed together for the first 2k which really helped me and I think helped her too. These two Northwestern girls flew past us at about 1/1.5k and it just wasn't time to go and I think we (definitely me) would have died if we went with them. At about 3k Julia left me and from then on I was running by myself and just keeping my eyes on the Iowa state girl ahead of me. I caught her at about the 4.5k/5k. It was definitely windy and hot out there and maybe the combo of that and running 4k of the race alone contributed to my time. I was feeling kind of nauseous with maybe an 400-800 to go, the only time last season this happened to me was Nationals but it seems like it's happened more often this season...maybe I just need to eat really bland things. The finish felt very long and I was trying not to throw up when Madeline Pape (look her up) passed me. Really hoping for another All American performance and a PR at Nationals but we'll see. My goal is to hang with Julia for as much of the race as possible (more than a 2k if possible) while also racing the smartest race for me.

I'm really proud of our women. Our top 5/top 7 (besides me) is completely different from last year which is a big deal and we still performed well and all of IXC did a great job showing all the other clubs how big and professional we are. Definitely looking forward to Nats. And props to Northwestern women, they only had 9 girls

So happy my family and dogs came out to watch this race :-) the excitement that my dad has for me while he runs around the course is one of many reasons why I love XC so much



Ugh, I love the northwestern women, they’re all so sweet and adorable! Lol makes them beating us a little bit easier because they’re so cool. Also, You had an amazing race Anneliese + you’ve been an AH-MAZING women’s captain so far this season. You will do even more amazing things this season, I’m so excited to see you rock it at Nationals!!!

Leonel Rodriguez

congrats on being top 10 at regionals. Murphy is a very adorable puppy. I hope you accomplish your goals for nationals. Madeline Pape might be an Olympian, but Nationals won't be an 800. You'll get her then.


I loved meeting your dad! ANd Leonel that's a fantastic point, this ain't no 800m. You're doing amazing things and bringing people with you, that's awesome


Can get those NW girls come nationals. No doubt about it.