Run: Easy Previous Next


5.3 mi


7:33 mi


Met up with Emma in Downer's Grove, another lovely day for running, happy I could get two runs with Emma while she was in IL. Chatted about the upcoming spring season and even did STRIDES. Hoping to keep up good running weeks with good extras like strides/core/mobility this semester.


Potentially considering the Illinois Half Marathon...


Connor Farrell

I'm thinking about doing it too I'm just not sure if I have the time to properly train for it.

Anneliese Schulz

Yeah, I think I'm going to see how my fitness is by the end of March and even though it will be more expensive, I'm going to hold off signing up until then. Can't predict how school is going to work with training this semester.

Megan Mocogni

You should do it! I just signed up :)

Anneliese Schulz

Hmm...this would give me a nearby training partner to do long runs with...