Run: Hill Previous Next


5:00 PM

5 mi


10:44 mi


168 lb



First 2.5 mile split 24:09

Second 2.5 mile split 29:28

Elevation: +1223.7 ft / -1233.2 ft

Issues: Started running with my arch support and it started to really hurt me. Half a mile down the trail it hurt so much I took it out. The pain immediately stopped and I was pain free for the remainder of the run.

Recovery: 2.5 mile biking

NOTE: I biked 2.5 miles all uphill to the trail entrance. Then I ran the 5 mile loop. After the loop I biked back downhill for 2.5 miles home. On the 2nd half of the run I stopped a couple of times to take pictures of the incredible sunset. Lost about 2 to 3 minutes on that; hence the huge difference between the two splits. I felt extremely good during the whole run.
