Run: Long Previous Next


20.1 mi


11:16 mi


231.4 lb


55 F


8 / 10
  • Map


Felt pretty good going up to the knob. Had a salt tab at fake knob. Was kinda trying to hang with some bikers... just not quite there yet...

Kept feeling good past the knob, and even through a bit of snow to the turn off to spooner. Started entertaining the idea of going all the way. Hit the clear creek road pavement and felt really good. Decided to go for it.

Got to the other trail end. jogged a bit extra to make sure i got 20. Took a gu and started coming down.

Back up to the turn off to spooner was hard. from there on was almost survival mode. Just keep going on the downhills, and survive the ups. Another salt tab at fake knob.

Lots of traffic. mentally and physically just hard to finish, but i did. It is taking a while to recover (now almost an hour later.)

Proud that I did it. Need more water for long runs. it was very tough.
