Swim: Free Style Previous Next


2900 yd

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400s,100k, 400p, 100k w/u

8x100 @ 1:50 (finishing with 33-35 seconds)

200k hard

200p,100s,150p,50s hard w/ 50 being a sprint

200k hard

100s everything I had left (1:12)

100 c/d

felt awesome going into this workout. Warm up was easy and was pumped to get a hard swim in. Might be due to the spike energy drink I had. In hindsight I should have made the 100 intervals shorter with a shorter rest. I was hitting around 1:16 while keeping a very moderate pace with times getting faster as the 100s went on. descending ladder went well with no rest b/w. Felt good going into the final 100 and wanted to see what I could do. Arms and form started to fatigue 50 yds in but finished as strong as possible. Pleased with the workout and happy to see improvement.
