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4.3 mi


7:11 mi


Took yesterday off. I've been dealing with a really bad cold all week. Yesterday was the worst day so far. This morning wasn't a whole lot better but I still thought getting out for a run would be helpful. It was really chilly out but it still felt good to get my blood flowing. Chomping at the bit to get going again. Hopefully I'll be 100% by next week. Disappointed that I wont be able to do the alumni mile but that's okay. Ready to move on. I think I need a month of mileage before I really focus on anaerobic. For the rest of January I will focus on getting at least two 80min runs in a week (with at least one well over 90) and at least one other solid 60min workout. My mileage has been super low ever since the marathon. A few weeks of solid mileage will be just the booster shot I need.

Also, as down as these past two weeks have been, I am grateful that they are better than this time last year when I had bronchitis. That was beyond terrible.
