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8.5 mi


6:50 mi


1 / 10
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Oh man. What an awful run. My original plan was to do 45-60min with the other guys and then finish with either a few quarters or huffmans. My legs felt heavy and just downright tired from the start. If I bagged every run that I felt like crap at the start I'd be running about 10 miles a week though. So I decided to remain optimistic and was pleased with the fact that nobody was pushing the pace early on. In fact, some random guy from the neighborhood - I think a track clubber - had no problem keeping up with us until he turned off at Washington (we were doing reverse Modaff). Once we started picking it up, I was toast. I was falling off the pace as we ran through the neighborhoods making our way to Modaff. Once we got onto Modaff I had to really dig in order to stick with the pack. By the time we hit 75th I was done and just headed down Gardner towards school. I added on a couple extra blocks just to add a touch of distance but the idea of doing a full fledged workout was bagged. I'm not entirely sure why I felt like such crap today (and Monday). I guess it could be a combination of things. Yesterday was a pretty tough day at work and my dogs were barking by the time I was done, so maybe that hurt me for today (but I've had hard days at work before and they didn't seem to kill me). I'm wondering if last Saturday's run took more out of me than I realized too. As you can read in the post for that day, the vast majority of my run was into that crazy 40mph wind. If I had run 1:45 with most of it headed straight uphill I wouldn't be wondering why my legs were trashed the next few days. So I probably shouldn't be too surprised that the same happened after such a windy run. I can't help but get a little afraid that the iron problems I had in the spring of 05 are back. I was in great shape then but was suddenly unable to keep up with anybody on workouts and running times equivalent to my sophomore year of high school. That's not exactly what's happening here. My legs genuinely feel tired now. Back then, I'd feel fine and then over the course of a couple blocks feel like I could do little more than shuffle. Just to be safe I bought a new thing of daily vitamins with extra iron. As I already mentioned, I'm in great shape. The Elgin 10miler is in a week and half. I'm not going to gain any fitness between now and then. This is a great time to rest and get ready to put my fitness to use.
