Run: Easy Previous Next


10 mi


7:15 mi


Easy building morning run. Almost headed out the door at 4:15. The power blipped last night and so the clocks got messed up. Every normal human being who is familiar with electricity knows that a clock whose digits are blinking is not actually telling you the time. I failed to realize this though. So I rolled out of bed as my clock was blinking "5:30" thinking to myself "wow, glad I woke up on my own. Since the power went out, my alarm got reset!" I proceeded to get ready for my run, use the bathroom, stretch out, etc. As I was filling my water bottle up so that it would be ready when I got back I looked at our only battery powered digital clock and realized that it said "4:15" Oh....yeah....duh. Climbed back into bed for a little over an hour and still got out the door on time. I was a bit worried that the storm that was rolling in would be a problem but it ended up not being a big deal. Made up a new route that takes me through some neighborhoods I don't frequent. Good option for sure. Very enjoyable morning to be outside and running. 10mi felt like no big deal. Probably got down to 6:30-40pace by the end.
