Run: Medium Previous Next


11.5 mi


6:57 mi


Had trouble getting out of bed this morning. Was exceptionally tired for some reason. Hit the snooze twice and thought about just sleeping for another hour and only doing 30-40min for a run. I could tell my legs were still kinda achy and tired and was not expecting to have a good run. As cheesy as this sounds, the Doors song "Break on Through" came to mind and was just the boost I needed. That's where I am at in training right now - gotta keep on pressing on and waiting for the breakthrough to come.

This run went better than expected too. I really thought it was just going to be one of those "plod for 80min b/c I'm stubborn and refuse to take another recovery day when I want to get a workout in" runs. Certainly it wasn't fast, but at least it was honest. Decided to stay away from the mile markers on the path. Headed south east to COD's campus. Always amazed an how gigantic that place is. Hopped onto the track and did a rhythmical but not as easy as I would have liked it to have been 5:59 mile. Ran back to Wheaton. Did a 5:58 mile on Wheaton's track and then jogged home. Used a port-o-john at a construction sight w/ about 1.5 mi left. Had to sneak through the fence, but it wasn't a big deal.
