Run: Fartlek Previous Next


10.5 mi


6:22 mi

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Rainy Saturday. Only opportunity I gave myself to run was right after noon. Unfortunately it was mid50s and really coming down at that point. Decided that two mediocre reasons to not run outside - don't want to get sick and my hips felt tight after sitting at the library all morning (and therefore I don't want to get stuck out in the middle of the run with my ITB flaring up)- equaled one good reason to hop on the treadmill. Headed over to the SRC and jumped on the mill. Got about 1min into the run and realized that my wedding ring wasn't on. I immediately hopped off and called Jane hoping that my ring was in the bathroom. It was not....I looked all over the weight room. Did it fall off as I started my run, hit the treadmill and going flying? "Start Me Up" was blaring pretty loud on my headphones, so there's no reason to think I would have heard that happen if it did. It was nowhere to be found in the vicinity of the treadmill. Finally I retraced my steps from the time I got into the building. Turns out it fell out in hallway, just outside the door into the weight room. It must have somehow fallen off as I opened to door. Weird. I've never had that happen before.

After that fun episode I was finally able to get the workout started. Felt good from the gun. Finished a building 2mi warm up in 13:40. Went right into what was going to be a 2mi pick up. Ended up pushing on at the end of the 2mi to make it 2.5. After making it 2.5 I decided to just keep it up until I hit 30min. 16:20 for ~2.85 w/ a 1degree incline. Very nice. Brought it down at that point. Over the course of the next minute I realized how much I hate treadmills and that it wasn't really raining that hard out anymore. So I quickly packed up my stuff, dropped it off in my car, and then jogged over to the track.

At the track, I thought I was going to do sub 3min halves but ended up feeling better than expected. The treadmill section of the run got my legs nice and heavy but I was still able to throw in 3x1600 in 5:45, 5:45, 5:41 w a 400m jog in between (about 7:15 pace for the rests). Really solid workout. Felt like I could have added on another mile or at least a few more halves. Called it a day though. Finished with a 10min cool down.
