Run: Tempo Previous Next


12.5 mi


6:27 mi


Another great Monday at the Arboretum. Felt a bit more sluggish at the start. That was probably because I had little more strenuous weekend than normal. Started to feel pretty good going into my second East Side loop and tried to get into a tempo rhythm. It took a while for me to really settle (in a sense, I never really did) because footing was slick for some stretches. The last half of the loop and the first half of the West Side loop were really strong. I wanted to make myself hurt for a bit and I succeeded. The last mile was either flat or downhill and pretty snowy so I just used it as a cool down. The song "Cult of Personality" was stuck in my head by Living Colour was in my head most of the run. Guilty pleasure (link to video is in the "event url" field)
