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6.5 mi


6:27 mi


Headed out the door confident that my IT band was going to hold up, but I didn't want to be presumptuous. Therefore headed out on a route that gave me a lot of opportunities to turn off early but was still enjoyable. I think this was my first run in Blackwell since November. Felt great to be out there. About a mile into this run I started thinking about R2R and got really pumped up so, even though I feel super out of shape after a week off, I wanted to hammer. Hammering meant about 6:20 pace, but that's okay. Kept it solid through Blackwell. Even though my form would fall apart here and there, I was always able to regroup. With that in mind, this was about as encouraging as a 6.5 miler at 6:30 pace could be. Really excited about using the rest of this week to get back into it and by the end of March to have this past week be a distant memory.
