Run: Tempo Previous Next


12.8 mi


6:37 mi


Great run, great route. Headed east on the Great Western Trail from my house and took it further that direction then I had ever taken it before. It does a little jog about 5 miles in, so I figured that would be a good spot to head on down to the Prairie Path, which was only about .6 miles away. From there I accidentally turned the wrong direction (that's why this route is mapped as 12.6, but I am logging it as 12.75). The rest of the run is pretty much all uphill. By a mile or so into the run I had pretty much locked into 6:40-45 pace but for the last 7 or so I picked it up closer to 6:30 pace on some miles that I usually struggle with. So I am counting this as a building tempo, even though the pace isn't that quick. I am a huge fan of this loop. I think that at some point over the fall it would be good to get a group of guys together for a long run from my house or from downtown Wheaton that did the full Great Western Trail - Prairie Path loop. If you use President to connect it ends up being about 17-18 miles, I think.
