Run: Long Previous Next


14 mi


6:58 mi


Relaxed long run. I know the following statement sounds weird but that's okay; for feeling bad, I felt pretty good. Translation: Felt run down/under the weather all yesterday afternoon and didn't exactly feel too hot when I woke up this morning. Still decided to get up and try and get moving, and actually felt decent on the run. I can tell I've got some sort of cold but if it doesn't get any worse than it is then I'll consider myself lucky.

Really enjoyed the route. Instead of jumping on the GWT immediately, I headed all the way down President to pick up the Prairie Path and then took that east for a while before finally connecting it to the GWT. If I have a little bit more time this fall I might go ahead and do the whole GWT - Prairie Path loop (~16.5-17mi).

I'm not sure what I'm going to do come winter. About 90 percent of my mileage these days in on crushed limestone or dirt/grass. I'm getting spoiled right now.

Assuming I'm not completely knocked out by this cold, I'm probably going to do some sort of interval workout Friday morning. I want to start working in a lot of intense workouts each week to make any fall 5ks worth my while (FYI - planning on doing a "time trial" on either the 6th or 13th, if anyone would like to join)
