Run: Easy Previous Next


3:10 PM

9.8 mi


6:38 mi


30 F


5 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


5:30 hours sleep, 1 hour nap prior

felt great today, woke up early to study some more so lost sleep, didnt seem to affect the run that much. nap probably helped, was a little tired and the snow was somewhat fatiguing but pushed the pace today with benji and garrett, didnt actually feel that fast

dylan landry apparently shoveled out lane 200 meters of 1 for an hour then did a workout there, we used the path to do striders. props to the man it was a lot of fun. however, lower left back has been in extreme pain the second half of today, hurts to run, walk, bend over, do pushups, and generally articulate my upper body. its pretty obviously a stitch or a cramp or maybe tighness, not a real issue. hopefully gone by tomorrow
