Run: Easy Previous Next


8:35 AM

9.1 mi


7:09 mi


27 F


5 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

Stone Arabia


8:30 hours sleep. 10 minutes foamroll prior

really pleased with the pace given how snowy it was everywhere, running on the road, in slush, and sliding on hills. effort was around 6:55, actual pace was 7:10, do the math for the snow's energy reduction. was in a pacepushing mood today but the snow stopped that, pretty spent by the end as a result but felt good in general. Maryland will not be snowy such that I can get good runs in

not as sore from tuesday's lift as I was last week, hands ripping up as usual doesnt seem to ever get better. going hard with weights now while racing has still yet to come, sometimes remember to use miniband before the run. everything will get better after finals are over

LIFT day 2
