Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

10.8 mi


6:30 mi


41 F


5 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


9 hours sleep

ate a tootsie roll before going out the door for good measure, had a very surprisingly good™ run. wasnt feeling that eager to run initially so I put on the dual fusions, but I just sorta changed my mind in the driveway and said I wanted to go fast so i went back in and put on the elites

did the classic hour route from this summer that i did a million times, i was on my toes the whole run and everything just felt good not gonna lie. the time at my usual pace checkpoints was very obviously quick at each one but I did not feel at all like it was 6:30 pace, I knew it was fast but I'm still pleasantly surprised. great fucking run

lower left back from a week ago is no longer in real pain but I can still feel twinges regularly when I footstrike on the right. its almost like a rib pain now, tender to the touch on the outside of my ribcage. left knee is holding out just fine, i think lift is holding me together spectacularly cause so little is hurting these days compared to this summer in terms of my legs

nbd did goblet squats with a bag of birdseed. and aston martin at dad's office

LIFT day 2



Colin "tootsie roll" smith at it again