Run: Recovery Previous Next


7:30 PM

13.5 mi


7:11 mi


93 F


5 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


6:30 hours sleep. 1 hour nap prior

fuck! that was so slow...dont believe it. anyway, 99% humidity so I could have gone down a dry slip-n-slide no problem after the run. this is the least tired Ive felt all week, not equaling any better results but just based on feel. In recap, that was such a shitty week by pace, kinda in a grey zone right now. Normally I wouldnt be worried cause the summer is supposed to be tough (as if any other part of the seasons each year arent), but I dont know where all the energy I had for runs last summer went... I was under 6:55/week the whole summer. Im really afraid of a seasonal slump, maybe I dont think this is one cause I had erratic sleep, late runs, and super high temps.

still deciding whether to see my chiropractor. right glute not an issue under regular running conditions, but throughout the day the slightest ghost sensations in the same spot come up. deep right upper hamstring is also making twinges somewhat often, and both hamstrings are very limited in range of motion. quads and calves have required very little attention so far

moving on. 5 am runs starting this week, workouts, strides and lifting. nothing ought to stop me
