Run: Long Previous Next


11:00 AM

13.4 mi


7:08 mi


28 F


4 / 10
8 / 10
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9 hours sleep. full foamroll prior

really windy but awesome long run with young Nolan, he didnt feel so great and I felt surprisingly neutral so we took it relatively easy today. some times I wanted to push and other times I wanted to fall behind Nolan: pulling together all the soreness and tightness from this weekend, kinda on the road to recovery from the initial hillsprint speed base, the worst soreness of the season should be over

legs felt a little stiff by the end of the run, hamstrings were WAY less tight than yesterday. no real pains to complain about at this point, left toe swelling from 2 days of hillsprints is residing nicely. foamroll this morning probably saved me

been thinking a lot lately about how to focus energy when I have it and when I don't for each different type of run the rest of the preseason while building a speed base. in other words, I want to be very careful and regimented about when I push hard and when I don't. I really like to pacepush when I can, and If at least one day a week lines up with enough time between the last workout and the next such that I can afford to hammer an easy run without sacrificing an upcoming long run or workout, I'll take advantage of it.

I think what I'm trying to say is I'm going to try really hard to run hard (within reason) on very specific days only when when it's appropriate, such as workouts, long runs, and 'hammer' runs... days where I wake up wanting to kill it. equally important to this is that I take as many super relaxed days as I do hard: following an ideal muscle stress-and-recover cycle in my weekly schedule. I presume this is how coach's training schedule is structured to some extent, and within my control while following the plan I want to have a good balance like this

shit's complicated if you make it, trying to keep it simple
