Run: Easy Previous Next


2.3 mi


9:08 mi

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<No name>


This was weird. My legs were kinda there but felt like my lungs were full of peanut butter. I'm not sure if I should try and do more miles slower, less miles faster, or what. But right now I'm in a sweet spot where I sort of red line all my easy runs for 20-30 min. My average HR was 162. If my max HR is 192 then this was basically a zone 4 run on net. So like my body is basically running threshold at a really slow pace? I might try slowing these down to where my HR doesn't go over 154.

Zone 3 = 135-154

Zone 2 = 115-134

Actually, that seems counterproductive. I guess my focus is mostly time on my feet still? I don't know why I am overanalyzing this.
