Run: Medium Previous Next


6.8 mi


9:22 mi


168 lb


42 F


Ran/coached Sam, Sandy and Eva from RWS on some stamina/speed work. A bit cold at the start, but dropping that pace for them saw the jackets come off. The track was closed, so I had to guess on some of the distances. Turns out we ran an odd mix.

Warm-up (everyone at one pace): 1.66 miles - 16:24.

"2 x 800 w/ 400m jog" - really 1029 meters w/ 600m jogs: 5:03 setting the pace for the girls, and then 4:48 setting the pace for Sam.

"2 x 400 w/ 200m jog - really 530m w/ 240m jogs" - 2:14, 2:39 (slightly longer) setting the pace with Sam.

"2 x 200 w/ 200m jog - really 200m w/ 300m jogs" - 41, 40 (having Sam work on Sprints. this was still a cruise for me).

They all mentioned how "off" the quicker pace felt in the beginning, but I didn't have anyone drop into 3-5K territory, so that helped. All of them felt that the pace and the effort was easier to keep up the more they did it. Exactly. We plan on getting a small group going every Thursday. Also, anyone wanting to join my group has to commit to running easier and longer on any other day they run. 10-20 minutes at first. Establish a base they all need. Most importantly, though, we all had a lot of fun.
