Run: Easy Previous Next


8:38 AM

5 mi


7:53 mi


149 bpm
165 bpm
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A easy 5 miler with 5 race pace striders thrown in at the end. I'm still having trouble keeping cadence where it needs to be for a peak race, but it's probably close enough to make race pace not feel totally foreign. The good news is that my HR was pretty much on target for the striders, topping out at 165bpm when at race pace. I figure I can hold an average of 165bpm on race day. That will likely mean high 150s for the first 5K and over 170 for the last 5K.

It's taper week, and boy do I need the rest & recovery before my race. Saturday's heat run is still lingering a bit. About all I can do at this point is work on my form and rest up until Saturday. So tomorrow I'm probably going to repeat today's workout. Wednesday will be fairly similar but I'll likely stretch out the striders to about 400 meters to get used to holding pace. Thursday is an off day. I might do an easy shakeout run on Friday if I need to work off any pre-race nerves.
