Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5.8 mi


6:53 mi

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10 minute warm-up

7x (3min on/1min off)

Cooldown to 40:00.

Legs felt like trash on the warm-up. Did my normal grassy, sometimes rooty or uneven 1 mile loop at the high school. I stayed pretty consistent overall, hitting most of my mile splits during the workout around 6:35-6:40 (and that's including the easy jogs). For the lsat 3 or 4 reps I was checking my watch, and I would be right around 0.5 miles for the 3 min on section, which is 6:00/mile. So, we'll call it 21 minutes of 6:00/mile pace with 1 min recovery jogs every 3 minutes. No bad for the first workout back in a while. Breathing never was bad, and legs were starting to get a little tired by the end. I call my recoveries "jogs", but that might be to generous given the slow pace I was going- my only focus was on consistent, pain-free, semi-uncomfortable repetitions. Goal accomplished, feeling good! Basic stretches and all my normal exercises afterwards. My goal is still to make it to the start line for this trail marathon this summer.


Cat Diddy

Bread and butter workout