Run: Long w/ W/O Previous Next


13.4 mi


7:12 mi

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Slept in a little bit today and got on the road. Ran most of this on gravel or grass, with some asphalt. Starting temperature was 75, ending temperature was 81. It was pretty windy, and the dewpoint was around 60. Needless to say, it was difficult. I kept the pace nice and relaxed for the first hour, when I decided to head back after meandering around Little Falls for awhile. At this point, I had to run a couple miles with the wind at my back (death), and I had decided to run faster for the last thirty minutes. I ran around 6:30-6:40 pace for a few miles, but I massively overheated and twice in the last couple miles I had to stop and walk for a little bit. I mean, the last mile I was literally focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and nothing else. Pretty exhausted after this run.
