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8.1 mi


7:58 mi

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Leading up to my trail marathon in late July, coupled with my shin aggravation more than a week ago, I'm going to build back up again, but differently. I'm going to not hit hills hard every single day, but spread it out instead. My plan moving forward is to, every Friday, go a marathon goal-pace run at Beaverdam Park. The goal is 7.5 mph, or 8:00/mile pace for my trail race, and today I wanted to do an hour at that pace. With the never-ending rolling hills, tight turns, and roots to avoid, I do wonder if this trail actually runs slower than the Maah Daah Hey or not, and I also wonder how accurate my GPS in on a wooded trail like this. The mileage markers at the park are off, I learned that today. My splits on the GPS watch were consistent with how I felt, but if I followed the mileage markers I wouldn't have been close. I felt really good today. The last mile started getting tiring, but nothing bad, and I was ramping up the pace too. I had to keep focusing on rhythm and calmness, because I really want to just tear up the whole course when I'm feeling good, but dropping a couple 7:00 miles on this trail is a death sentence. Core and body-weight stuff followed.










Cat Diddy

Nice! Stay healthy!