Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9.8 mi


7:08 mi

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5 mile warmup first on the highway. Ran north hoping to catch some aurora since these next few nights are supposed to be LIT and I can still see darkness and stars when I start my run, but alas it was not meant to be. I ran 7x0.5 mile (800m) with a recovery of slightly less than 0.1mi (less than a minute). It's a dirt and grass loop with a couple of small hills, and I ran it hard, so it was tough for sure. It felt good to be breathing that hard again. Had to cut the cooldown short because of excessive need to poop. Good day today.

Also, for you pace-purists that get a hard-on worrying about pace on easy runs, allow me to show you the pace of my first 5 miles:









I think a harder pace matters a lot more when workouts are not of importance (the base season). If these runs aren't at a quality pace, you're getting virtually no gain from that run besides muscle memory and fat burning. Recovering from hard days is absolutely necessary, and should be taken seriously. However, I don't see the purpose of running 8:00 pace when the body can (and should!!!) handle a pace that actually benefits the aerobic system.

Nate Peterson

I think as long as you're running, you're benefiting the aerobic system. I've read the ideal easy pace is between 55-65% of V02 Max (or roughly 5k race pace for me), which would fall between 7-8min pace for me. Jack Daniels Running Formula says I should be running between 6-6:15 for easy runs, but there's no way in hell I'd be recovered after that. I'll open up by the end of my easy runs, all the way down to low 6s usually, but I'm usually breathing harder on my 8:00 first mile than any other.


Ok, that makes more sense with what you've read. I think Daniels is more applicable during the offseason when all you're worried about is general fitness, but during the season I definitely see the need for very easy running.