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10.7 mi


6:58 mi

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Woke up this morning and sat in bed for awhile. Supper was at 5:30 and Ingrid is doing the meals for the ladies this weekend so she needed to be in there early in the afternoon to prepare. I told I need to do a workout today, and asked if doing before coming to the kitchen to help would be ok. She asked if I could come to town with her and get groceries first and canoe with the ladies when I was done, and I said yes. So we got stuff, came back, and I left for my

WORKOUT: 6x1k (2min jog recovery), 3 min jog recovery, 4x0.24mile (2 min jog recovery)












Very pleased with this workout today. The temperature was in the upper 40s, overcast, and a very slight breeze. I did the 1ks on a rolling hills grass straightaway (same one I used all summer), and the almost 400s were on a grass loop at our camp 'playing field'. I made up the loop. The 1k times show the today the odd-numbered ones were a little easier than the evens, and recall that I simply turn around and do these back-and-forth. The 1ks felt really good overall, and this is twice as much rest as I'm used to. Averaging 3:17/km pace on rolling hills and grass is good in my book. Felt decently comfortable, decently painful on them. The almost 400s were pretty tough, but the one big turn on it is pretty tight. I don't have much speed, so this workout was designed to get the legs rolling faster than tempo pace. I was tired, but not at all gassed at the end of this. Very pleased with how I did.


Brian Fantana

Dat fall weather tho...real solid workout too