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6.3 mi


6:21 mi

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UND Track


First outdoor track speed workout of the year today (the UND people cleared off a few lanes and left a choppy opening in which lane one was sometimes open, lane 2 mostly open, and lane 3 mostly open). We did a 2 mile warm-up and I did a 2 mile cooldown. The workout was 12x300m (more like 305 or 310 because half of the run was in lanes 2 and 3). Our rest consisted of however long it took to walk 100m. I hit all my splits in a range of 47.6-48.7 (we were supposed to hit 48). I did the first two with Parker and Sam, but I was walking the rest faster, so I just did the rest by myself. This was actually a pretty difficult workout, despite what Coach said beforehand. My legs were not moving very well by the last couple reps. Obviously I need some more turnover work. Whatever though, I have a tough workout in the bag and a still-healthy body! :)

I ended with some striders, stretching, and ice-bathing.
