Run: Tempo Previous Next


4.5 mi


6:40 mi

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Workout day on the treadmill. Did a 10 minute warmup, 20 minute tempo, and 5 minute cooldown. All was at 1% incline. Legs felt a little trashy during the warmup, and then I set the pace at 10.4 mph (5:46/mile pace) and planned on doing 20 minutes. The first 10 minutes felt really easy, but the next five minutes my legs started getting tired. My hamstring that has been acting weird the last few months would give me a little hitch every now and again, so those things together lead me to stop at 15 minutes. After cooldown I did some weightlifting. I've got plenty of work to do, but I know I haven't been running as much, so I was surprised that the first 10 minutes felt as easy as it did. Just taking everything day by day right now, with no serious goals in sight, just tryna get fit.
