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5 km

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Really crappy workout today. The goal was 10x1k with 2:00 recovery, the exact same workout I did a little more than a month ago. However, I only made it through 5 before I was bent over sucking wind, and my times weren't even as fast as I was holding a month ago. The 1k loop is a little long, and I was sitting around 3:10-3:12 today whereas last time I was around 3:08-09. I stopped because I started getting the lightheadedness that only comes when I'm starting to get taxed. My initial assumption was that I haven't eaten enough the last couple of days, and this was confirmed when I ate a big supper later, was still hungry, had a big bedtime snack, and woke up the next morning quite hungry again. I ate a ton this weekend, and Sunday night through Monday I backed off to try to account for how much I ate, but I must have messed that up pretty bad. Oh well, chalk it up as a failure and get back at it next time. Weightlifted today too.
