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4800 m

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WORKOUT: 4x(3x400) @64 w/ 75 sec rec and 5:00 between sets

ACTUAL: 4x(3x400) in 62.9-64.0 with most of them in the 63.6-63.8 range.

Good workout today. The first set was rough because I felt zapped, but I was able to get into a groove. Came through every 200 in about 31, and usually finished somewhere in the high 63s. By the last one of each set, Connor and I were getting pretty tired, and in the last set I was starting to lock up a little in the last 100. We were supposed to do 3x300 after, but Clay was impressed that we managed to hit all of our times, and we were pretty exhausted, so we called it good at 4800m of mile pace. I wasn't able to keep my hands off of my knees after the last 400 unfortunately. Cool down was weird today because I actually felt better at the end of it than I did at the start- usually it's the opposite. I was having burping and heart burn problems today even though I didn't overeat, so I have literally no idea what that's all about. I can definitely tell that I haven't done much speed work like this during this season, because this pace was a lot easier for me last year, but I can grind it a lot longer this year. 5k training is great and makes me hate these mile-speed sessions haha....afterwards did a medball circuit, stretched, and got my calves rolled because they're pretty tight and sore still from the 5k. It wasn't fun.
