Run: Easy Previous Next


6.3 mi


6:57 mi

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Easy evening run. Legs felt like trash the entire way, and I felt sluggish and exhausted. The first 3.14 miles were into a 10mph wind, so that really didn't help things either. My hamstring still feels weird. While foam-rolling afterwards, I actually finally found the place where it hurts, and I rolled the crap out of it. Today it feels better, but this will be a test to see if it's just tightness or an actual nagging, long-term injury. If it responds to rolling, it's just a tight muscle. If not, it's an injury. We'll see. If it ends up not being an injury, I'm toying with the idea of running a couple of mile races this winter to get that feel again. Umary has a home meet on december 8th, and I'm going back and forth on whether or not that would be fun to try.


hashtag ciderboi